General editor of Highlights & Insights on European Taxation
Coordinator of the International and European Tax Law program of the Nederlandse Orde van Belastingadviseurs (Netherlands Association of Tax Lawyers: NOB)
Board member of the NOB’s European tax law section
Board member of the NOB Programmacommissie Permanente Educatie
General editor of the International tax blog of Kluwer Law International
Lecturer at the International Tax Center in Leiden (Advanced LLM Program in International Taxation)
Lecturer at the Wirtschaft Universität Wien in Vienna
Board member of the Group for European and International Taxation (GREIT)
Dennis Weber & Pasquale Pistone (editors), Non-discrimination in Tax Treaties: Selected Issues from a global perspective, EC and International Tax Law Series, Vo. 14, IBFD 2016, 299 pp
The New Common Minimum Anti-Abuse Rule in the EU Parent-Subsidiary Directive: background, impact, applicability, purpose and effect, Intertax 2016/2, 45 pp
De algemene antimisbruikmaatregel in de Anti-belastingontwijkingsrichtlijn, FED 2016/110, 8 blz.
The new deal: Future trade relations between the UK and the EU after withdraw from the EU: what are the best options? – 2016 (with Van de Sande)
4 January 2016, Chair, ACTL seminar; Implementation of the OECD BEPS measures, Worldwide Multilateral Instrument │The EU anti-BEPS directive │EU soft law │EU Guidelines on transfer pricing
23 March 2016, The EU Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive: implementation of BEPS in the EU, Conference – International Taxation: Current Theory and Practice, Financial University of the Russian Federation, Moscow
9 May 2016, The BEPS implementation in the EU, IFA Sao Paulo
10 May 2016, Practical consequences of BEPS in the EU, FIPECAFI, Sao Paulo
10 May 2016, BEPS implementation in the EU, IFA-Brasil, Rio de Janeiro
12 May 2016, BEPS implementation in the EU, IFA Argentina
18 May 2016, BEPS implementation in the EU, International Tax Conference – Bogota – Colombia
19 May 2016, EU State Aid and Taxation, International Tax Conference – Bogota – Colombia
1 June 2016, Moderator, ACTL Conference – ATA Directive – Anti-BEPS Implementation in the EU – Amsterdam
9 September 2016, The EU Anti-BEPS Package: critical issues and solutions, 11th GREIT Annual Conference: European tax integration: law, policy and politics, Isle of Ischia, Italy
27 September 2016, The per-element approach, EU Tax Law Group-seminar, IFA Madrid
7 October 2016, Chair, EU Tax Law Conference – Copenhagen
28 October 2016, EU Developments regarding anti-BEPS Measures, NYU Global Tax Conference – Divergent country views of BEPS, New York
28 October 2016, EU State Aid: the cases, NYU Global Tax Conference – Divergent country views of BEPS, New York
17 November 2016, Moderator of Exit taxes panel, The new Area of Taxation, IBA young, Amsterdam
21 November 2016, Tonnage Tax Regimes from an EU perspective, Taxation of the Shipping and Air Transport Industries in Domestic Law-seminar, Milan
28 November 2016 – EU Developments regarding anti-BEPS measures; Seminar One year post-BEPS OECD, EU, USA and Mexico perspectives seminar ACTL-IFA- Mexico City