Editorial board Real Estate Review, Tax and Civil Law (Vastgoed Fiscaal & Civiel)
Editorial board Fiscal notes for the notary public (Fiscale Berichten voor het Notariaat)
Member of Financial Transaction Tax (FTT) Research Group of University of Amsterdam-ACTL/IBFD/Complutense University of Madrid/Mendel University/Corvinus University of Budapest/Sacro Cuore Catholic University/Oxford University/WU Vienna
Co-chair of the Examining Board of the Amsterdam School of Real Estate
Editorial board Vakstudie Nieuws
Author, Highlights & Insights on European Taxation, Kluwer Law International
H. Vermeulen (2016). Investment structures. In D. Gutmann (Ed.), in: Corporate Income Tax Subjects (EATLP) (blz. 87-109). Amsterdam: IBFD
H. Vermeulen & C. Wisman (2016). The Netherlands. In E. Reimer, S. Schmid & M. Orell (Eds.), Permanent establishment: a domestic taxation, bilateral tax treaty and OECD perspective. – 5th ed (pp. 1-33). Den Haag: Kluwer Law International
H. Vermeulen (red.) (2016), Grondslagen internationaal belastingrecht. – 8e druk. Den Haag: Boom Juridische uitgevers
J.H. Elink Schuurman & H. Vermeulen (2016). Vastgoed in de winstsfeer: inkomstenbelasting. PropertyNL Taxspecial, 2016, blz. 167 – 222
J.H. Elink Schuurman & H. Vermeulen (2016). Vastgoed in de winstsfeer: vennootschapsbelasting. PropertyNL Taxspecial, 2016, blz. 223- 258
H. Vermeulen (2016). De fiscale beleggingsinstelling, in: S.A.W.J Strik & J.L. van de Streek (eds.), Cursus Belastingrecht (Vennootschapsbelasting), Kluwer, Deventer, The Netherlands, 2016, pp. 2481-2584
De vrijgestelde beleggingsinstelling, in: S.A.W.J Strik & J.L. van de Streek (eds.), Cursus Belastingrecht (Vennootschapsbelasting), Kluwer, Deventer, The Netherlands, 2016, pp. 2585-2601
H. Vermeulen (2016). Vennootschapsbelasting, in: O.C.R. Marres, S.J. Mol-Verver en J.L. van de Streek (eds), Hoofdzaken Belastingrecht, Boom Juridische Uitgevers, Den Haag 2016, achttiende druk, paragraphs 4.8,2, 4.10, 4.11, 4.14 en 4.16
H. Vermeulen (2016). Voorstel voor een Anti Tax Avoidance Directive en indirect gehouden vastgoed, Vastgoed Fiscaal & Civiel, 2016/2 (1)
H. Vermeulen. Vermeulen (2016). Timac Agro en PMT: zoek de verschillen! Vakstudie Nieuws, 71 (38):38.0.
H. Vermeulen (2016). Hoe alone is stand alone in de ATA Directive? Vakstudie Nieuws, 71 (51):51.0.
S.C.W. Douma and H. Vermeulen (2016), Brexit: belasting, accijnzen, heffingen, in: Bedrijfsjuridische Berichten. 2016, 22, p. 261-262
H. Vermeulen (2016). Over outbound dividend, kostentoerekening en inningskosten. Het mysterie in de zaak Société Générale. NTFR. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Fiscaal Recht, 2016 (24), 1-4
Brisal and KBC Finance Ireland. Portugese withholding tax. EU law precludes difference in treatment between resident financial institutions and non-resident financial institutions.: Court of Justice 13 July 2016, no. C-18/15, Highlights & Insights on European Taxation (H&I) 2016/302
Pensioenfonds Metaal en Techniek. Tax on dividends paid by Pensioenfonds Metaal en Techniek in Sweden not in breach with EU law.: Court of Justice 2 June 2016, no. C-252/14, Highlights & Insights on European Taxation (H&I) 2016/285
16 January 2016, ACTL Winter Course: Applying Tax Treaties to Hybrid Entities, CIVs and REITs, Amsterdam
2 February 2016, The Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base, EBF Tax Conference, Brussels
1 June 2016, The Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive: the major implications for the Tax (Planning) Landscape in the EU, Exit Taxation, ACTL University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam
11 October 2016, Taxation of various types of cross-border income & capital gains, RSM International Tax Course, Veldhoven
12 October 2016, Attribution of Profits to a Permanent Establishment, RSM International Tax Course, Veldhoven
28 October 2016, Notion of EU State aid, NYU Global Tax Conference: Divergent Country Views of Base Erosion and Profit Shifting, New York University, New York
1 November 2016, Tax Treaties and CIVs and REITs. Leiden, Tax Treaty Course – International Tax Centre Leiden, Leiden,
7 November 2016, Recent developments in cross-border dividend taxation, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien
28 november 2016, Antibelastingontwijkingsrichtlijn (ATA Directive) en vastgoed, Jaarcongres Vastgoedfiscaliteiten, Amsterdam