Member of the Department of Letters of the Royal Netherlands Society of Science
Member of the Board of Trustees of the Europäische Rechtsakademie, Trier, Germany
Editor, Netherlands Law Review (Nederlands Juristenblad)
With Bas van Bockel, Xavier Groussot, Renato Nazzini, Daniel Sarmiento): Ne Bis in Idem in EU Law, Cambridge University Press, 2016, p. 167-217
Tax Litigation in Last Instance in The Netherlands: The Tax Chamber of the Supreme Court, in: P.J. Wattel (ed.), The Last Word in Tax Disputes; Special Comparative Issue on Highest Tax Courts Celebrating 100 Years of Tax Litigation before the Hoge Raad der Nederlanden; Bulletin for International Taxation, 2016 (Volume 70), No. 1/2, p. 43-51
Stateless Income, State Aid and the (Which?) Arm’s Length Principle, (2016) 44 Intertax, Issue 11, pp. 791–801
Book contributions
The Cat and the Pigeons – Some General Comments on (TP) Tax Rulings and State Aid after the Starbucks and Fiat Decisions, in: Isabelle Richelle, Wolfgang Schön and Edoardo Traversa (ed.), State Aid Law and Business Taxation, Max Planck Institute’s Studies in tax law and public finance, Vol. 6, Springer, 2016, p. 185-194
Comparing Criteria: State Aid, Free Movement, Harmful Tax Competition and Market Distorting Disparities, in: Isabelle Richelle, Wolfgang Schön and Edoardo Traversa (ed.), State Aid Law and Business Taxation, Max Planck Institute’s Studies in tax law and public finance, Vol. 6, Springer, 2016, p. 59-71
Verse knoflook, internetseks en het verdedigingsbeginsel, in G. Knigge/ F.F. Langemeijer/ A.J. Machielse/ P.C. Vegter/ P.Vlas/ C.L. de Vries Lentsch-Kostense/ P.J. Wattel (red.): Gehoord de Procureur-Generaal, opstellen aangeboden aan Prof. mr J.W. Fokkens bij zijn afscheid als Procureur-Generaal bij de Hoge Raad der Nederlanden, Wolters Kluwer Deventer 2016, p. 363-374
Bons Mots, in: My Way, liber amicorum Hans Hertoghs, De Bont advocaten, Amsterdam 2016, p. 29-37
Nondiscrimination à la Cour; the ECJ’s (lack of) Comparability Analysis in Direct Tax Cases (reprint of No. 418), in: Pasquale Pistone and Dennis Weber (eds.) Non-discrimination in Tax Treaties: Selected Issues from a Global Perspective, IBFD, Amsterdam, 2016, p. 255-282
Staatssteun en het armslengtebeginsel, in C. Maas/L.J.A. Pieterse (red.), Systeem en Symmetrie, opstellen aangeboden aan mr C.B. Bavinck, Wolters Kluwer, Deventer, 2016, p. 319-326
Very Small General Report, in: P.J. Wattel (ed.), The Last Word in Tax Disputes; Special Comparative Issue on Highest Tax Courts Celebrating 100 Years of Tax Litigation before the Hoge Raad der Nederlanden; Bulletin for International Taxation, 2016 (Volume 70), No. 1/2, p. 5-6
Hoofdstuk 0 (inleiding) en hoofdstuk 6B (De invloed van het EU-recht op het belastingrecht) in: O.C.R. Marres, S.J. Mol-Verver en J. van der Streek (red.): Hoofdzaken Belastingrecht, 18e druk, Boom fiscale uitgevers, Den Haag 2016
Footing the Bill?; Vooraf, NJB 2016/4, p. 247
Commerce Clause v. Vrij Verkeer; Vooraf, NJB 2016/13, p. 845
Het EVRM is te belangrijk in Nederland; Vooraf NJB 2016/19, p. 1327
The Continuity Girl; Vooraf, NJB 2016/24, p. 1671
Apple: Staatloos Inkomen; Vooraf, NJB 2016/33, p. 2363
Smart Trump Tax; Vooraf, NJB 2016/41, p. 3027
14 January 2016, ACTL Seminar on Implementation of the OECD BEPS measures; Panel 1: BEPS Implementation after the Antalya-agreement, Chair, Amsterdam
20 January, Congress on ‘BEPS: the Outcome’, Session on BEPS and EU law, Université de Lausanne, Chair, Switzerland
21 January 2016, GREIT Winter Course on EU BEPS and the EU Treaty freedoms/State aid, opening lecture on The Case Law of the Court of Justice on Direct Taxes – General Overview, Visiting professor, Amsterdam
23 maart 2016, Nieuwe Jurisprudentie Algemeen en formeel belastingrecht; PAO-docent; PAOB, Utrecht
13 May 2016, 9th Meeting of the Network of Public Prosecutors or equivalent institutions at the Supreme Judicial Courts of the Member States of the European Union; 3rd session: Investigation of crimes using the internet, human rights and fundamental freedoms; Rapporteur, The Hague
25 mei 2016, Ars Aequi Symposium ‘Rechtsvorming door de Hoge Raad’; Panelist; Den Haag
1 June 2016, ACTL Seminar on Anti-BEPS implementation in the EU; the Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive: Panel 1: Scope/De minimis rule/EU GAAR/Tax Treaties/Interest deduction limitation rule, Chair, Amsterdam
20 June 2016, GREIT summer course on tax competition in the Post-BEPS era, session 1: What is left of tax competition and free movement after BEPS? Faculdade de Direito, Universidade de Lisboa, Visting professor and debater, Portugal
28 September 2016, Judges Panel, Annual Congress International Fiscal Association (IFA), Seminar F: Access to a Tax Court and the rights to property and to equal treatment; Chair, Madrid, Spain
30 September 2016, 7th Assembly of the International Association of Tax Judges; Session on Case Load Control in Tax Matters, Chair, Madrid, Spain
10 november 2016, , Symposium Staatssteun, Platform Belastingrechtspraak, Voorzitter Den Haag