This Winter Course focused on the forthcoming EU BEPS proposals and the EU Treaty Freedoms. How does State Aid influence tax rulings? What’s going on with the Apple, Starbucks, Fiat and Amazon cases?
The topics of the Winter Course on EU BEPS and the EU Treaty Freedoms focused first of all on the EU influence on the BEPS discussion. This covered the State Aid influence on transfer pricing, namely Starbucks, Fiat and Amazon, the new EU GAAR and the hybrid instruments rules in the Parent-Subsidiary Directive. Also the EU tax transparency, exchange of tax rulings and country by country reporting, and the forthcoming EU anti-BEPS Directive were discussed.
Maikel Evers
Dr Anzhela Cédelle
Saïd Business School/University of Oxford
Prof. Dr Frank Engelen
Leiden University
Prof. Dr Björn Westberg
Jonköping International Business School
Wilbert Kannekens
KPMG Meijburg
Prof. Dr Otto Marres
ACTL/KPMG Meijburg
Hans Pijl
Harm Mark Pit
Policy Advisor Dutch Ministry of Finance
Prof. Sergio Andre Rocha
Andrade Abogados associados
Antonio Russo
Baker & Mckenzie
Bruno da Silva
ACTL/Loyens & Loeff
Prof. Dr Jan van de Streek
ACTL/Loyens & Loeff
Agata Uceda
KPMG Meijburg
Prof. Dr Hein Vermeulen
Antonio Russo
Baker & Mckenzie
Bruno da Silva
ACTL/Loyens & Loeff
Prof. Dr Jan van de Streek
ACTL/Loyens & Loeff
Agata Uceda
KPMG Meijburg
Prof. Dr Hein Vermeulen
Prof. Dr Sjoerd Douma
Willibrord Egelie
Dutch Tax Administration
Dr Gijs Fibbe
Erasmus University Rotterdam/Baker Tilly Berk
Prof. Dr Werner Haslehner
University of Luxembourg
Vinod Kalloe
Meijburg & Co
Alexia Kardachaki
Prof. Dr Raymond Luja
Maastricht University
Dr Eric Poelmann
ACTL/Dutch Tax Administration
Bruno da Silva
ACTL/Loyens & Loeff
Prof. Dr Jan van de Streek
ACTL/Loyens & Loeff
Dr Mario Tenore
Maisto e Associati
Prof. Dr Peter Wattel
ACTL/Dutch Supreme Court
Prof. Dr Dennis Weber
ACTL/Loyens & Loeff
Dr Maarten de Wilde
ACTL/Erasmus University Rotterdam/Loyens & Loeff
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