The ACTL has a dedicated advisory board of experts in the field of international tax law, mainly leading academics, selected to create a wide spread of national legal backgrounds. The advisory board members are:
The course coordinators are all members of the Amsterdam Centre for Tax law (ACTL), a department of the Amsterdam Law School. The ACTL counts a number of internationally renowned professors on its staff and has PhD students from many different countries. In addition to their academic function, many ACTL staff also have a part-time function in the advisory, government and judicial branches of the profession. In addition to its considerable research output and its teaching activities, the ACTL organises a lively programme of conferences and short courses.
In addition to giving advice generally in respect of the development of the ACTL, the advisory board provides valuable advice and assistance in ensuring the quality and international orientation of the LLM programme. The board members are also encouraged to maintain contact with the faculty and students, for example by teaching occasional classes, supervising final theses relevant to their field of expertise and acting as a judge in the moot court exercise which is an integral part of the programme.
IBFD (International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation) is a tax research foundation based in Amsterdam with a local presence in the United States, Asia and China. It is well known internationally for its wide range of publications, academic activities, courses for practitioners and work on government consultancy missions. IBFD supports itself financially through the sale of periodicals and databases, carrying out commissioned research projects, the provision of training courses and participation in government consultancy projects.
IBFD is not a university, but it regards supporting the work of universities worldwide in the teaching of international tax law as an important part of its mission. It has a dedicated academic department, which undertakes the publication of fully peer-reviewed publications, such as the World Tax Journal (a quarterly multi-disciplinary periodical) and the Doctoral Series (selected Ph.D. theses meeting the highest standards), and organises annual discussion meetings for doctoral and post-doctoral researchers. IBFD’s academic policy is geared towards interacting with the best universities worldwide to carry out specialised research projects on the theory and practice of international and European tax law. Part-time post-doctoral staff are often appointed to undertake these projects.
IBFD employs a large international staff of tax specialists whose day-to-day work includes: carrying out a wide variety of commissioned research projects for global clients such as Fortune 500 companies; participating in academic research projects; updating IBFD’s tax research platform, which includes a large number of databases on domestic and international tax law; writing analytical articles; and teaching on international tax law for LLM programmes worldwide. They also contribute regularly to the development of international and European tax law, for example by: writing reports commissioned by the United Nations on issues of international tax law in the context of the UN Financing for Development programme; writing responses to discussion papers published by the OECD; and presenting their ideas at working sessions organised by the European Commission, the European Court of Justice and the OECD. IBFD hosts and supervises the young researchers who help to prepare the working sessions of the annual congresses of the International Fiscal Association.
IBFD houses the world’s largest specialist library on international tax law. This library draws visitors from all over the world, ranging from those who ‘visit’ the library electronically to search in the catalogue and request specific materials to those who spend months or even years working in the library on their Ph.D. thesis. Long-term visitors generally enjoy regular contact with IBFD’s tax research staff.
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